V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság Budapest, Szalay u. 11-13, 1051

V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság

39 Értékelések
  • péntek0:00-24:00
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V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság Budapest, Szalay u. 11-13, 1051

Az üzletről

Címlap | A Rendőrség hivatalos honlapja |


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Budapest, Szalay u. 11-13, 1051

Nyitvatartási idő

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  • Akadálymentesített parkoló

Ajánlott értékelések

Laura Hoyle
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
Helpful, friendly staff who worked well around the language barrier, were quick to attend to us and supplied the missing item report required. Overall good experience!
Key Win
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
They did not speak any english, they just redirect your phone call to central emergency and they will say you there, that they cant help you in any case, that i should call District V.. So its loophole, nobody is trying to help. I send a email with all informations.. no answer in 4 days.. I dont know how this people can solve some crimes with this attitude.. 1 star.
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
We were helped by the wonderful English speaking staff at this police station who managed to help us get our lost documents back.
Matt Knight
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
Good experience, some struggles with English but still helpful and accommodating with filing a lost item report.
Tamás Anders
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
A kamerákkal teli metróban raboltak ki a sarokba szorítva. Ezt sem sikerült megoldani. Mi kéne még?Mire van a rendőrség? Sosem segítenek, ha baj van, mosolyogni tudnak de segíteni sosem. Teljesen haszontalan banda, csak a megfélemlítésre vannak, ha elfordulsz ők fognak fejbe vágni. Sose hidd el amit mondanak.Most meg könnygázzal oszlatnak tömeget a Kossuth téren...
Gábor Schwimmer
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
Váltakozó hangulatú főkapitányságról beszélünk. A wc undorító állapotú, a kilincset még könyökkel is szorongva merészeli csak megérinteni az ember.
Mary Goubran
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
I had found metal pins in my 3 year old daughter's birthday cake, and went there to report it. The officer who was there didn't seem to care and told me it's not on purpose hence it's not a crime but you can write an email to the police station of the district where the cake was made. He was rough, rude and lack empathy, the typical police officer that you expect to encounter in communist Hungary not on 2022!
Jamie W
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
We did not feel safe as tourists at all at this police station. We were visiting Budapest few weeks back from Singapore and I lost an iPad while at chain bridge. I located v district police to lodge a police report and it would have been a smooth process except for a rather disturbing encounter. The officer manning the entrance before the gates that day, this huge guy, was obviously videoing my partner and I throughout the whole process when we told him our situation. He gave us a form to fill and told us another officer will be with us. No issues from there as the other officer was prompt, polite and gave us the completed police report. We were done and wanted to exit the gantry and there that officer was again, filming us and when we left, he asked (with phone filming us), “can you say hello”, and “can you speak Hungarian?”I’m not sure where that video ended up but really... we expected more from the city’s police force. We did not want to say anything as honestly the police building is rather quiet and far in and station itself is very quiet. If we did complain about him filming us, I would not be sure if we would make it out of that building safely...! How ironic it was that we did not feel safe in a police station!
Annamária Tringli
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
Nagyon szepen köszönjük az erőfesziteseket amiket tettek értünk az éjszaka folyaman ,es a hibatlan es kifogastalan helytallással hatarozottsaggal .Visszanyertem a hitemet az igazsagszolgaltatassal es a rendőrseggel kapcsolatban Önöknek köszönhetően. maximalis tisztelettelKöszönettelStrauszné Tringli Annamaria
yeung yc
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
why cant give zero? the police were just chatting, not trying to help. When we asked them questions they said they dont know. Maybe this country need a new commissioner of police. I think I can do a better job than him/her. (PS. I dont wanna search for him/her on the internet or otherwise I will definitely puke.)

Értékelés hozzáadása


Budapest, Szalay u. 11-13, 1051
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság