Kovács Nimród Borászat Eger, Verőszala u. 66, 3300

Kovács Nimród Borászat

76 Értékelések
  • péntek8:00–15:00
  • szombatZárva
  • vasárnapZárva
  • hétfő8:00–15:00
  • kedd8:00–15:00
  • szerda8:00–15:00
  • csütörtök8:00–15:00

Kovács Nimród Borászat Eger, Verőszala u. 66, 3300

Az üzletről

Kovács Nimród Winery - Terroir driven world class wines from Eger. | Terroir driven world class wines from Eger.


Hívjon minket
Eger, Verőszala u. 66, 3300

Nyitvatartási idő

  • péntek8:00–15:00
  • szombatZárva
  • vasárnapZárva
  • hétfő8:00–15:00
  • kedd8:00–15:00
  • szerda8:00–15:00
  • csütörtök8:00–15:00


  • Akadálymentesített parkoló

Ajánlott értékelések

Alexandra Oszvald
Kovács Nimród Borászat
Szuper körbevezetés és nagyon finom borok.
Tímea Eszenyi
Kovács Nimród Borászat
Valentin nap alkalmából látogattunk el, életre szóló emlékkel gazdagodtunk, mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudjuk!
Gabriella Kálóczi
Kovács Nimród Borászat
Könnyű egyeztetés, remek borok, szép pince :)
David Minorics
Kovács Nimród Borászat
Magasan a legjobb hangulatú és profi borkóstoló amin valaha részt vettem.Elképesztően finom fehérborok, és vörösborok egyaránt (úgy, hogy alapból csak vöröseket szoktunk kóstolni).Egyben érdemes bevásárolni a kóstolás után.Nagyon szépek a pincében található hordók és rengeteg palack egyaránt.Csak ajánlani tudom bárkinek, akár fehér-, akár vörösbor-kedvelőknek.
Eduardo Alonso
Kovács Nimród Borászat
Very welcoming staff trying their best to make your experience unforgettable in a quite familiar environment, since they do not mass produce their wines.There are multiple tasting menus and we opted for 6 wines, which provided a nice balance of wine types and categories (2 premium). We found one of the whites to be very good and we tasted some of the best reds in eger (though we only managed 4-5 producers).Really Recommended for a visit
Eszter Karsay
Kovács Nimród Borászat
Unfortunately we had a rather disappointing experience. The place looks nice and the wines were good, but the whole event is a tourist trap. We signed up for the basic wine tasting which was supposed to cost 4000 ft per person. We were given at the end of the tour a sip of their grand superior wine, which we did not ask for, and we were not informed that this will cost us more. Only when we were supposed to pay we were told it will cost us actually 6500ft per person, which meant 20.000 ft more for our visit (we were 8 people) because of that last tasting. This was more than the price of an entire bottle of the grand superior, which we only had a small amount of! We were also not offered to taste some their more exclusive wines that were supposed to be included in their 6500ft tasting. The lady who was showing us around was nice and friendly, but we would have preferred to hear more about the wines, than urban legends and anecdotes about the owner’s life. All in all it would have been a good experience, had we not felt so ripped off at the end. We wouldn’t go back and would not recommend it to friends.
Szabó Dániel
Kovács Nimród Borászat
Minden szempontból igényes hely, de a legfontosabb, hogy a borok is kiválóak...
Gazso béla
Kovács Nimród Borászat
Nagyon jó
Kovács Nimród Borászat
Really nice tasting! Judith did explain the tasting of the different wines well and also the history of the winery. We really can recommend the wine tasting :)

Értékelés hozzáadása


Eger, Verőszala u. 66, 3300
Kovács Nimród Borászat